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Islam began when Muhammad went away and saw the angel Gabriel. He told Muhammad that he was Allah’s; it is how Muslims call god, Prophet. At first people didn’t believe he was the Prophet of Allah. It was until after Muhammad died did Islam start to truly spread.
     Islam also teaches that there is only one God. Muhammad calls all people to worship Allah, because He is merciful and fair. On Judgment day, he will come and judge everyone according to his or her actions. It is pretty much like the Catholic Church teaches. If you do good things for others you will be rewarded and if you don’t you will go to hell as a punishment.
     “And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses, etc.) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect, etc.) to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.” (Al-Baqarah 2:228) Muslims also have different perspectives on certain issues particularly in treating females and males the same way. Men are allowed to have four wives but must treat them with care and love. Men can divorce their wife/wives at any time they wish. Unfortunately, women aren’t allowed to do the same.
     Muslims have Five Pillars of Faith which explain five major parts of Islam. The first on is on faith and says that there is no god except god and everyone can have. A message of guidance has come through a man like us. Salat are the prayers that are prayed five times a day which brings up the second one, Prayer. Muslims believe that the principles of Islam are only made by god and that money is up to humans only. Just like we have Lent and fasting, Muslims have dates similar to these. During the month of Ramadan Muslims must fast during the daylight. After the fast, it is followed by a feast to only the ones who stayed true to the fasting. And finally, the fifth one is the pilgrimage or the Hajj. Every year, Muslims travel to Mecca, if they can afford it or are in good condition, and it is believed that it gives a preview of Judgment day.

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