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Islamic exhortation for duties, commitments and peacekeeping by Muslims in a Democratic Country.

Islam directs its followers to honour their commitment/pledge to the nation whether it is an Islamic state or otherwise a democracy, beside holding the perjurer entitled to punishment. Indeed, a person who is committed to his pledge towards his country is loved and cared by Allah and who disobeys would be condemned’ (Al-lmran 76). Those who work against the interest of their nation or receives undue advantage against it would also be destined to hell. There is a an instance when a number of non-believers were surpassingly more than believers in Mecca and Hujaifa Bin Yaman and his father were on the way to support the armies of the Prophet They were intercepted by Meccan nonbelievers, enquiring about their support. To secure their lives, they stated that they were proceeding to Medina and were not going to support the Prophet. Later, when they narrated the episode to the Prophet while reaching him, the Prophet directed them to go to Medina, as they had earlier pledged their support destined to Medina.
In this context, it is imperative that Muslims must pledge themselves to the countries they belong to. They are also required to be committed to the rules and regulations of their inhabited nation including belief in democratic ethos/system, in order to fulfil their pledge.

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