Editor-in-Chief and founder of Muslimgirl.com, Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, was on her way to the Cannes Film Fest when a Police Officer (BADGE NUMBER: 1096515) in the airport forcefully asserted that Amani needed to remove her hijab, show her hair, and speak French. Things escalated pretty quickly. Read her detailed Facebook account here.
The assumption of control over women’s bodies is a direct violation of human rights. tweet
We need your help in sending a clear and concise message that the treatment of Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, and the countless other victims of Islamophobia in France, the Unites States, and across the world will not be tolerated. The assumption of control over women’s bodies is a direct violation of human rights. We will not be intimidated or subdued to submission, or threatened by deportation or other acts of state violence, for simply being ourselves.
So far, the response from the French Ambassador to the United States has been beyond shameful:
We will not be intimidated or subdued to submission, or threatened by deportation or other acts of state violence, for simply being ourselves. tweet
Here’s how you can help:
- Share Amani’s Facebook post (above) and share this post too.
- Retweet @amanixo https://twitter.com/xoamani/status/875725655400472576
- Retweet @muslimgirl https://twitter.com/xoamani/status/875726031512064001
- Instructions to Call the French Embassy in DC: Dial 202-944-6000 ext. 2 for English then ext. 3 for the Press & Communication Office — “Hello. I am calling as an American citizen to express my concern about the aggressive treatment Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, Jury Member at the Cannes Lyon Film Festival, Editor-in-Chief of MuslimGirl.com, and beloved community member. In addition to aggressively being told to remove her hijab and being threatened by immediate deportation back to the United States by a Police Officer with Badge Number 1096515, it is clear that her rights where obstructed and safety compromised. I am expressing concern at this violent treatment that was faced by Amani, and thousands of other Muslims (or people who are perceived to be Muslim) on a daily basis. Please relay my concern to Benoit Cormier and Ambassador Araud with the highest urgency. Thank you.”
- Instructions to E-Mail the French Deputy French Counselor at the French Embassy in DC: Email here, script below:
Dear Mr. Cornier and Ambassador Araud,
I am writing to express my deepest concerns and disapproval for the mistreatment of Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, Jury Member at the Cannes Lyon Film Festival and Editor-in- Chief of MuslimGirl. In addition to aggressively being forced to remove her hijab and being threatened by immediate deportation back to the United States, it is clear that her rights where obstructed and safety compromised. Please know that you will be receiving many complaints like mine regarding Amani’s treatment, but more so that our protest against brazen Islamophobia in France, the United States, and across the world will not come to an end until Muslim women are treated with the dignity that they deserve. It is assumed that if this happened to Amani, this hostile and volatile behavior against Muslims or people who are perceived to be Muslim is common practice by your police. As a concerned American, I write and urge that the officer (Badge Number: 1096515) responsible for this violation of basic human rights is terminated, and influential steps are taken to erase the hostility against people of color in France.
With Concern,