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White Woman Exploits Muslim Women for Own Interests Again — This Time for Porn

There’s a problem with white liberal feminists: it’s their refusal to acknowledge that women of color are capable of empowering themselves. This phenomenon runs rampant in today’s society, and it’s especially rearing its ugly head in — wait for it — the porn industry! This time, it’s with Women of the Middle East, a BDSM Muslim-themed porn film. Veiled Muslim women are subjugated to the problematic white savior complex messaging that they are all oppressed by Muslim men, with the headscarf being the symbol of said oppression. In fact, the politically-charged film starts with that very message: it demands that Muslim women should “take their veils off!”

The premise of the film features four episodes of “Muslim women” — starring some porn actresses from the Middle East — parading around emulating typical stereotypical personas while veiled in a niqab or hijab. In fact, the porn film itself passes most of the litmus tests when it comes to Hollywood’s depiction of the Arab world with the three B’s (billionaires, belly dancers and bombers). In Women of the Middle East, a subjugated wife is sexually abused by her husband. Then there’s the redundant depictions of Muslim women as the sexy belly dancer and the trafficked prostitute — and to top it all off, there’s a Saudi billionaire businessman thrown into the mix.

Whether it’s revenge porn or the sexual fetishaztion of the hijab, MuslimGirl is never afraid to tackle the taboo discussion revolving around porngraphy. We’re also not afraid to be blunt. This is particularly why I will say that the husband and wife duo behind the adult film production company Porn Fidelity, Ryan and Kelly Madison, are severely ignorant, idiotic and inherently racist regarding the complex issues involving women from the Middle East.

“I didn’t want to do ‘just put her in a burqa and do a big gang-bang’ type thing,” Kelly Madison told Mic when asked about the purpose of her porn film. “I thought I’d put a little bit of my feminism in the video. I had to put my own social commentary into it.”

That’s the problem. Madison, the 46-year-old white porn star in Orange County, isn’t the representative nor is she qualified to dictate how Middle Eastern women should dress or act. In fact, there’s an irony underneath the “feminist social commentary” that she’d like to impose onto Middle Eastern women: while critiquing that the veiling of Muslim women sexualized and disallows them from their right to express themselves sexually, Madison is injecting the very same culture she vehemently opposes. In Women of the Middle East, it’s Muslim women who are being sexualized into a propagandistic message that Muslim women must “take the veil off” and are incapable of choosing their own sexual lifestyle.

The porn film also highlights another troubling discussion among westerners when it comes to Muslim women. Through the eyes of the West, the discussion surrounding Muslim women are limited to sexual fetishzations, headscarves and hymens. However, realistically, their perils in this world are far more greater than their headscarves when Muslim women find themselves in the midst of occupation, state-sponsored terrorism, and government surveillance. But again, it’s not up to white liberal feminism — or Muslim men — to speak on behalf of Muslim women.

There are numerous Muslim feminists leaving behind a blazing trail of progress for women’s rights and for white liberal feminists to diminish those efforts by enacting through their own privilege would do a great disservice to the Muslim women they attempt to “save.” tweet

If these western feminists truly care about the livelihoods of Muslim women abroad, the best thing they can do is listen and share the work of these fearless trailblazers breaking down the stereotypes and injustices they didn’t make.

More importantly, where’s the cash flow going? Is it going to Muslim women? It’s highly unlikely for Madison to donate the revenue of the film to the Muslim women she’s trying to “liberate” — the Muslim women whose top priority is to feed their children and family in their war-torn homes.

Although it’s important to highlight the issues of forced veiling for women in Afghanistan, women’s right to drive in Saudi Arabia, and the FGM practices embedded in African culture, it’s imperative to underline that white liberal feminists are silent when it comes to the Western occupation and U.S.-sponsored funding to the very same authoritarian regimes responsible for making life for Muslim women hellish on this earth. The reason, although it is a painful one to process for all parties, is ubiquitous and obvious: the white liberal feminist need to feel pity for the Muslim woman and to remind their self-righteous self they’re exceptional in comparison.

And that is the blatant message given by Madison’s Women of the Middle East.


Image: Wikipedia.

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