A struggle is afoot to bring back sanity, prevent suppression of criticism, and refusal to accept hatred as the normal way of life. Hindus and Muslims will not soon begin to build temples and mosques side by side. But Indians will – more and more – accept the rising global culture of tolerance not merely of those who are culturally different, but also of those whose behaviour in personal life is at present judged as weird, writes SYED IQBAL ZAHEER.
One of our readers suggests that we Muslims suffer subjugation. We do not know which part of the world he belongs to; perhaps China. But, since any such statement cannot escape from Chinese censure, he could be an Indian: a usual hyperbolic, inexact, inactive, theorizer and Think Tank of the Young Muslim Men’s Association head-quartered under every lamp post?
Otherwise, slavery has been universally banned. But the above class of mentally enslaved seem to be unaware.
In most countries, democratic forms of governments have been established in which system all citizens are treated equal. Today, people over the world are, more or less, free to choose their own governments, and are doing it. Even in countries in which Muslims are in minority, constitutionally they enjoy equal rights. Subjugation is out of question. Minority rights are being protected by internationally observed laws and enforced by some means or the other. Apart from China, another exception is the state of Israel. Governed by the Zionists who have created an apartheid system of government, the country has subjugated Palestinians, and, perhaps is the only country on the globe which can blow up 25,000 civilian homes, occupy hundreds of thousands of acres, and force millions of original inhabitants into exile – with impunity. Zionist crimes are an exception in modern history, supported by the most stupid people of the Western world who have thus been undoing what was achieved by themselves since First World War, and, if not restrained by others, will drag the world down to the good old times, good old chaos, and good old oppression and lawlessness. The United States and Britain, followed by their tails, are playing the main role in turning back the clock to welcome a chaotic epoch in history.
One might cite Myanmar as another example. Yes, the Myanmar regime could follow the Zionist footsteps. But unlike Israel, its terrorist policies have not yet been given a legal status. At the moment, criticism is strong and some boycott measures are in place. The woman who pretended to be struggling for people’s rights and won honours has been stripped off all her international awards. She cannot show her face at any global gathering without someone quipping: “What’s she doing here?” Disgraced, she is now a queen in hiding.
Some people would, and do, cite modern India as another example. But that reveals a huge failure of the intellect. Democracy and its institutions are deeply entrenched in this country, as are also in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka –in short, in the entire sub-continent.
Admittedly, a hundred years of hard work and sacrifices by some who apparently agree with the Zionist ideology, have succeed in inundating Indian towns and cities, fields and hearths, shops and industries with so much hatred for Muslims, that it might need more than a generation to evaporate. But, it has to evaporate. Why? It is because the Indian nature rejects it. The common people are slow in realizing that they are kept engaged fighting a false enemy so that wealth could be transferred – stealthily, and craftily – back to the community which lost it during the last few decades. Slow they might be, but one day they will realize it wholly, down the spine. Down the spine? Because there is every reason to believe that the chaotic outcome, by the time they realize, would have brought spine-breaking troubles for all. They also fail to realize that the acts of terrorism are a proxy … that he who commits is hired, who will ‘do away with’ anyone to earn some reason to live, and that planners are hiding far away from the places the acts are performed … are the very those they had not suspected. The general public will also witness the ill-consequences of fanatical way of conducting national affairs and personal lives. Attitudes will then change and those Indians who have lost their normalcy, will regain it, which will translate to they regaining their true nature, which is accommodation, and will learn the art of living in a cosmopolitan society. The Indian of the moment is not his natural self.
That said, one may ask: is the present situation such that some people could assume that they are subjugated? Far from that. India remains a democratic country, law and order is generally maintained, those who lynch, rape, and murder, are being prosecuted, police – especially at the higher cadre – is still neutral, and higher courts are free of bias. In fact, the law and order agencies – police and judiciary–have begun to realize, that it is they alone who can save the country from becoming a lawless land of rapists, murderers, and criminals of all class. At the moment, markets are still open to all those who can do honest trading, and those who are denied jobs have plenty of opportunities in areas of private business, industries and workshops. Lands are open for any willing to till, and educational institutions welcome those who would study. Talent, hard work, honesty and efficiency are valued without the inquiry of a person’s religious pursuance.
In addition, a struggle is afoot to bring back sanity, prevent suppression of criticism, and refusal to accept hatred as the normal way of life. Hindus and Muslims will not soon begin to build temples and mosques side by side. But Indians will – more and more – accept the rising global culture of tolerance not merely of those who are culturally different, but also of those whose behaviour in personal life is at present judged as weird.
We have said that Indians are primarily tolerant. They are also sympathetic. They are always with the underdog. They can also be pragmatic. If dissatisfied with their own ruling classes, they have demonstrated in the past, that they can even accept outsiders, and function normally under them as government servants, bureaucrats, and even as soldiers, always remaining faithful to healthy principles of life and demands of urbanity. Prejudiced they could be, and have been, (to the extent they are educated and exposed to false ideas), but it is a soft prejudice that allows for the observation of basic human rights of other than themselves to play its softening role.
Our statement is neither false, nor exaggerated. A single incident can illustrate what would need chapters in words. In a recent incident, a Muslim scholar, (Abdullah Abbas Nadwi of U.P.) dressed in the usual Mawlawi attire slipped down a moving train carriage falling into the tracks. Luckily he did not land on the rails. Passengers saw him falling, and kept shouting to him not to move, but stay motionless until the train is brought to a halt. When it did, he was pulled out unhurt, sound and whole. He was congratulated by the bystanders and passengers alike. When he went back to his seat, a non-Muslim woman took out a small sum and offered him saying, “Mawlawi sahib. Take this and spend it in charity in thanks to God who saved your life.”
That woman was not a saint. She was an original Indian.