Of late, proscribed elements as a part of their evil designs are spreading fake news/rumours in order to promote division, hate and a phobia among the minority communities. People are required to be beware of such proscribed elements, refrain of being swayed/incited, besides verifying the truth along with countering/exposing the wrong doers as well as their sources.
India, a country with age-old, hereditary, tradition and history of communal harmony in her social fabric, which was further strengthened during combined struggle for Independence, including in a long stride towards inclusive growth and prosperity of the nation by contribution/commitment from every citizen, irrespective of his/her religion, creed, caste, language etc. Fore fathers of the constitution with a far-sight had strongly safeguarded the religious expression, observances rights of every Indian. The people had, time and again expressed their firm belief in the Governance, Judiciary and the Inbuilt human bonding of the country, besides accrediting Muslim community’s loyalty, nationalism and commitment for the country.
There are thousand of the examples from the nook and corner of the country, a Muslim-Hindu inter-dependence and social assimilation including donating land, funds; providing shelter/food/protection in crucial junctures, common observance feasts/festivals, donating blood to the opposite community/members thereof. A section of vested interest are inflating some incidents of communal nature, issues relating to international fallouts commitments, administrative steps taken in the backdrop of integrity and progress of the country were given a negative twist, portraying the victimization the whole of the community, thereby mischievously harming the unity, integrity and harmony in the country. For example, Government’s Vaccination programme was propagated as a ‘sterilization drive’ against Muslim community.