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Cautioning against Fake News

A fake video ( in Malayalam language ), showing a girl being set ablaze by a mob, is being circulated in some WhatsApp groups in Kerala State, portraying it as an incident which occurred in a place in Madhya Pradesh, where a mob set ablaze a Hindu woman for attending a prayer meeting at a Christian Church. In an accompanying message (in Malayalam), it is claimed that ‘Hindu girl burnt alive in Madhya Pradesh because she attended a prayer meeting in a Christian Church. Please send this around so that the whole world may see India. The real Hell on planet Earth. Just see the ugliest face of Incredible India’.

  1. However, search in Social Media revealed that the video was old one and fake (circulated by twitter user @ Javed655 in 2018) based on an incident, which occurred in Guatemala, a Central American country in the south of Mexico. Presently the video is being circulated by some vested interests to create communal hatred.
  2. As per the real incident, the lady was part of a gang of dacoits trying to escape after robbing a taxi-driver in that country and got trapped by a group of locals. Getting herself cornered, she reportedly turned violent and immolated herself after pouring petrol.
  3. We are passing through a phase of misconception and misinterpretation by a few negatively indoctrinated youths/people whose minds are being conditioned /diverted by the vested interests towards violence/hatred. Therefore, there is a need to corroborate such Social Media contents before forwarding them to others, so that the peaceful atmosphere in the society is not disturbed.

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