A fake video ( in Malayalam language ), showing a girl being set ablaze by a mob, is being circulated in some WhatsApp groups in Kerala State, portraying it as an incident which occurred in a place in Madhya Pradesh, where a mob set ablaze a Hindu woman for attending a prayer meeting at a Christian Church. In an accompanying message (in Malayalam), it is claimed that ‘Hindu girl burnt alive in Madhya Pradesh because she attended a prayer meeting in a Christian Church. Please send this around so that the whole world may see India. The real Hell on planet Earth. Just see the ugliest face of Incredible India’.
- However, search in Social Media revealed that the video was old one and fake (circulated by twitter user @ Javed655 in 2018) based on an incident, which occurred in Guatemala, a Central American country in the south of Mexico. Presently the video is being circulated by some vested interests to create communal hatred.
- As per the real incident, the lady was part of a gang of dacoits trying to escape after robbing a taxi-driver in that country and got trapped by a group of locals. Getting herself cornered, she reportedly turned violent and immolated herself after pouring petrol.
- We are passing through a phase of misconception and misinterpretation by a few negatively indoctrinated youths/people whose minds are being conditioned /diverted by the vested interests towards violence/hatred. Therefore, there is a need to corroborate such Social Media contents before forwarding them to others, so that the peaceful atmosphere in the society is not disturbed.