The Delhi Police’s Special Cell carried out raids on Tuesday morning at the premises of news portal NewsClick and the residences of its journalists. These actions come on the heels of earlier raids conducted by the Enforcement Directorate, which was probing the funding sources of the organization. The Special Cell’s operations were reportedly based on information provided by the central agency.
During the raids, police seized a substantial amount of data from laptops and mobile phones belonging to several journalists associated with NewsClick. A new case has been registered, and investigations have been initiated, according to officials.
Abhisar Sharma, a seasoned senior journalist, took to social media to report the incident, stating, “Delhi police landed at my home, taking away my laptop and phone.”
A report by The New York Times in August 2023 unveiled alleged connections between prominent tech mogul Neville Roy Singham, known for his financial support of the Indian news website NewsClick, and the Communist Party of China (CCP). The investigative report asserted that Singham’s expansive networks had been instrumental in perpetuating disinformation and exerting influence on mainstream narratives by actively promoting pro-China messaging.
Speaking to The Indian Express then, NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha had said: “These are not new allegations. They have been made in the past. We will respond to them in the appropriate forum, i.e. the court, as the matter is sub judice.”
(developing story)